Twisted Handle Bags

Unlike the normal handle, it provides us with more security, giving style and elegance to the bag. Variety of sizes and colors for our company or event. Kraft paper bag. Durable for daily use. Customizable, resistant and recyclable Check our prices and sizes in different colors.


Cloth bags

Cloth bags can be reused many times and we help the environment. We have various formats and qualities for any kind of use. Among its various uses we can highlight resistant cloth bags to go shopping. To go to the beach. Custom cloth bags. For company events, hairdressers, gifts, etc. Consult …

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Papel Kraft

What is Kraft?

In the environment of screen printing-cartonage-stationery-printing... the word "KRAFT" is used a lot. But do the rest of us humans know what Kraft means? Well no, it's not a mayonnaise... In this case we're referring to Kraft paper: It's actually a process, the Kraft process, and its name derives from German and means Strength. This process …

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Bolsas de papel baratas de colores y diferentes colores

Paper vs Plastic Bags

First of all I want to say: We also use plastic bags! Let no one think that by dedicating ourselves to the sale of paper bags, we do not use plastic ones... Well yes, every day, in a multitude of tasks, we even have in our pantries that giant bag full of plastic bags for reuse … But …

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Que es Tejido Sin Tejer tst

What is non-woven fabric?

You have seen that we have among our products "non-woven bags" or nonwoven material used. But, have you wondered what this material is? It is actually a fabric that we have in our hands every day with common elements, such as the blades to clean in the kitchen. The non-woven fabric (TST)...

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